About us

I'm Brandy, wife and mom of three.  I started making tutus for my daughter when she was 4 years old.  I loved dressing her up and being creative.  Tying tutus evolved into sewing very basic dresses and costumes.  Sending her to school and taking her out, other parents noticed her clothing and started requesting clothes for their kids as well.  My little creative project slowly grew into a side hustle.
When it all changed
My little side hustle was going great, working my "real" job and sewing in my free time then I got into a serious car accident.  We are a two-income family, I needed to work and help provide but was unable due to medical issues and knew something had to change.  I decided my side hustle would become my full-time job.  I started sewing full time right from our kitchen table.  I wanted fun, girly boutique style clothes at affordable prices.  I utilized social media to the best of my ability and started working Myspace and Facebook hard.  
My business and style have grown along with my family.  I now offer a variety of items, tie dye, custom clothing (will always have my heart,) graphic tees, spirit wear and so much more! My business has allowed me to heal from my accident, be a work at home mom and still provide an income.  I am so grateful for every single customer throughout the years, especially the ones that have been here for the whole journey.  My goal is to keep growing and evolving while providing unique and cool items for the masses.